Book Teasers

  • something tells me dream lover is not going to be a happy camper...

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  • always you with me and me with you he whispered into my ear promise...

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  • up until today i had been freakish lana the girl who always did well at everything had...

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  • do you know what happens when you rattle an animals cage for years and then suddenly...

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  • i love hearing you say my name its like hearing the voice of an angel singing a...

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  • life can change but its not the actual change that defines me its how i react to...

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  • life is filled with fleeting moments but its usually those moments that make the best...

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  • an ominous figure has released the first of the four horsemen upon the earth which has...

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  • she cursed under her breath she cursed death for taking her love she cursed life for...

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  • i am polished refined and perfectly coordinated like a private boutique on fifth...

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