After wandering through the desolate desert, Wyatt has finally found a new place to rest his weary soul. His longing for companionship and a hot meal are forgotten when he meets a young lady, Matilda, who reminds him of the sweet daughter that was taken from him.
But wh... en she starts explaining the tradition behind the town’s harvest celebration, Wyatt realizes that even pure intentions can have an ulterior motive.
Now the cards are in Wyatt’s hands and he must decide how the game more
BIOGRAPHY Jaidis Shaw currently resides in South Carolina with her husband and wonderful children. With a passion for reading, Jaidis can always be found surrounded by books and dreaming of new stories. She enjoys challenging herself by writing in different genres and currently has several projects in the works.
Jaidi... s also owns and operates Juniper Grove Book Solutions and is a Twitch affiliate in her spare time.
One of her main goals in life is to encourage her children to let their imaginations run more