by Alex BaileyPublish: Feb 08, 2018MysteryContemporary RomanceRomanceTime Travel RomanceWomen's Fiction
Book Overview
When the perfectly-normal Ann Jones rants on about a bizarre and hauntingly immersive vision into her own future, her best friend, Alex, thinks she may have taken a swig or two.
After her freak encounter, Ann recounts the strange and foreboding glimpse of her future life—one that holds an unanticipated exuberance: her b... eloved husband dies suddenly (and questionably); she moves to the East Coast; finds love again; joins a peculiar knitting club (full of the strangest assortment of women, none of whom actually knit, but all of whom follow cult-like rules—such as, “What Happens in Knitting Club Stays in Knitting Club”); and becomes deliriously happy.
Her whole recollection leaves Alex’s head spinning with one question—has her friend totally lost it? How could anyone be deliriously happy about joining a knitting club? But when Ann presses Alex for an answer about what to do with this “future life vision experience”, Alex must decide whether this strange anecdote is just a desire to be free from Ann’s humdrum existence or a self-fulfilling prophecy. Should Alex support her friend’s “new life” or warn Ann’s husband about his impending doom… read more
BIOGRAPHY Alex Bailey was a bored writer/editor of documents as monotonous as vacuum cleaner manuals. She left that life behind to create more exciting worlds than the one she lived in. The Future Memoir of Ann Jones is the first book under her assumed identity. When she's not listening to friends reveal wild stories about the... ir future, she's tending to her organic garden while belting out show tunes. Ironically, Alex does not have the patience to sit still long enough to knit. Some of her favorite hobbies include: embarrassing her children in public with her rhythmically-challenged dancing, cleaning the small disc around the stopper of the bathroom sink, and dallying. She’d love to tell you more about herself, but as you know, she is incognito so as not to reveal the true identify of her friend, Ann more