The 7 Rocks Of Life: The Key To Filling Up Your Life Cup
by Steven MazzurcoPublish: Jun 06, 2019Christian Fiction Children's Poetry Advice & How To Cooking Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Parenting Business Book Overview
There are two stories in life: The past & the one that is being created everyday. Many stories are often expired stories that we should be learning from instead of presently living in it, causing it to control our lives. In this inspiring book you will learn the 7 Rocks Of Life that will give you balance & clarity in filling up your cup of life properly. You will be able to create a life & a story that inspires you and those around you. What do you want YOUR story to be? You see life is a series of at bats but you must keep swinging in the right areas of life to see you create your story your heart desires. Everyone has his or her own swing to achieve it. But there are fundamentals to every swing you take. These are the 7 areas of life that will be discussed in this book are:
Chapter 1 Spiritual
Chapter 2 Relationships
Chapter 3 Income Streams
Chapter 4 Health
Chapter 5 Organization
Chapter 6 Finances
Chapter 7 Personal Growth
Steven Mazzurco is a former college/pro athlete, entrepreneur, speaker & author. He grew up in Long Island NY, with parents being from France & Italy and has two siblings. He also enjoys interest in writing, poetry, singing, dancing, golf, boating, skiing, traveling and being adventurous in nature. Throughout Steven's youth baseball was a key element to his life and fundamentals of success. Playing 4 years Division I at Stony Brook University, winning a championship, MVP, and an experience to play in a college regional. After college, he played 3 years professional baseball working to get that break to the MLB. But during his junior year in college he started a successful business in the e-commerce world at 20 years old. Over the past few years he has been able to speak in front of 1,000s of people across America & parts of the world with what he has learned. Throughout this time not only did Steven learn about business, leadership, personal growth & organizational building but was able to obtain life experiences with highs & lows in life that helped him create The 7 Rocks Of Life book. Continuing his entrepreneur journey still he now has a mission to take Project Impact & Charities to make a true difference in this world. To help people live a balanced life of true joy and purpose.