The Earl and the Merchant's Daughter
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The Earl and the Merchant's Daughter

by Margaret BennettPublish: Nov 11, 2019Historical Romance Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Humor Teen & Young Adult
    • Margaret Bennett Margaret Bennett 4 years ago
    • Being a woman was very different from women's lives today. While there are still areas society need to work on, in general women and do most anything, such as running for political positions, advancing in all spectrum of the workforce, we are very fortunate in that woman are able to make choices about what they want to do with their lives.
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standalone complete series

Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Historical Fiction Women's Fiction Christian Fiction Humor Teen & Young Adult

I love writing about strong, resourceful women in an age where it was thought that women were incapable of taking care of themselves and couldn't own property.

I started writing Regency romance novels as a hobby, and now that I am retired, I am fortunate to be able call this my second career.

Kindle e-books have allowed me to grow as a writer. With each novel, I have made mistakes, but I have learned so much along the way. I read readers' reviews and am thankful when my readers take the time to critique my novels. I am also a PAN member of Romance Writers of America.

I currently live in beautiful Port Royal, SC with my husband.

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Book Detail
Title The Earl and the Merchant's Daughter
Author Margaret Bennett
Publish Date 11, Nov 2019
Language English
Page Count 189