The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Enter the Shadow
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Enter the Shadow

by Angel GiacomoPublish: Jan 10, 2022Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction

Book Overview

Jackson MacKenzie’s life is about to change. After retiring a second time, the Marine Corps general takes his wife on an ocean adventure as a homecoming to renew their marriage vows. But he never expected what would happen next. He finds himself hip-deep in international intrigue. Who is after him? The Russian GRU, the FSB, ma... ybe even someone closer to home. Will he be able to save his family, his friends, and himself? Or will the villains defeat him in the end? And he joins the fallen at Arlington. read more



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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles complete series

The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Eye of the Storm
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Eye of the Stormby Angel GiacomoPublish: Jun 25, 2020Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Peace at a Cost
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Peace at a Costby Angel GiacomoPublish: Oct 15, 2020Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Forged in Fire and Blood
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Forged in Fire and Bloodby Angel GiacomoPublish: May 12, 2021Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Brothers In Arms
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Brothers In Armsby Angel GiacomoPublish: Sep 23, 2021Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Broken Valor
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Broken Valorby Angel GiacomoPublish: Oct 10, 2021Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Duty, Honor, and Courage
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Duty, Honor, and Courageby Angel GiacomoPublish: Jan 02, 2022Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Enter the Shadow
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Enter the Shadowby Angel GiacomoPublish: Jan 10, 2022Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Double Envelopment
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Double Envelopmentby Angel GiacomoPublish: Aug 06, 2022Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Torn Horizons
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Torn Horizonsby Angel GiacomoPublish: Aug 06, 2022Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Golden Feather
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Golden Featherby Angel GiacomoPublish: Jan 08, 2023Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles Boxed Set: Books 1-3
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles Boxed Set: Books 1-3by Angel GiacomoPublish: Jan 24, 2023Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Oath of Destiny
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Oath of Destinyby Angel GiacomoPublish: May 01, 2023Series: The Jackson MacKenzie ChroniclesThriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction Literary Fiction
Action & Adventure Historical Fiction

After a successful career in law enforcement as a field officer, explosives detection K-9 handler, and fatality traffic investigator, Angel Giacomo gravitated into writing. She has a degree in Political Science and History. A big believer in helping veterans, Angel supports a number of veteran organizations. Her firs... t book, a military thriller, The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Eye of the Storm was published in 2020.

Angel has had many different careers. Her life has been a learning experience of over 50 years. Examples of her experience range from handling a bomb dog, loading cargo planes, sitting at a computer entering data, playing the trombone, washing dishes at a restaurant, and sacking groceries.

She has attended FEMA classes in Terrorism, Suicide bombers, and Nuclear/Biological, handled explosives, and shot different weapons from the M1 Garand to the AR-15, and many different pistols.

A jack of many trades and master of none. Or maybe a few. (less)
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Angel Giacomo other Books

Anthology: Tales of the 85th Evac Hospital Phu Bai, Vietnam
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Eye of the Storm
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Shadows of Vietnam
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The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: In the Shadows of Vietnamby Angel GiacomoPublish: Jan 10, 2024Thriller Action & Adventure Historical Fiction
Book Detail
Title The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles: Enter the Shadow
Series The Jackson MacKenzie Chronicles
Author Angel Giacomo
Publish Date 10, Jan 2022
Publisher 1st Battalion Publishing
Language English
Page Count 151
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