Historical Fiction Poetry Biographies & Memoirs
BIOGRAPHY After 27 years in teaching I am now fully focused upon my writing, as an author and poet. With 5 books now published, there isn't much spare time left, but I use what remains to bake, have family days out, walk my dog and share the spotlight with my friends in my local drama group.
My first book ‘Finding My ... Way’ is a memoir style narrative looking at midlife, motherhood and menopause with humor and honesty. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, making connections with many women of a certain age.
I am particularly proud of my historical fiction novella 'Unravelling - A Tale of Strength, Love and Dementia.' This felt like a significant achievement on my part and has received acclaim for its well-drawn characters and beautiful prose.
Primarily though, I am a poet - now with 4 collections to my name - all of them making connections with readers, spreading kindness and understanding, one word at a time...
'Just Take Five - A Contemporary Poetry Collection' is my latest publication, with poems for every mood to invite reflection, a laugh, or a tear. This is an inspirational journey through its five themes of creativity, nature, time, community and self-discovery.
‘Diary of a Dizzy Peri - Poems and Thoughts on Midlife, Menopause and Mental Health.’ This is my contribution to keeping both the menopause and the mental health conversation going.
‘Click and Connect - A Collection of Hope’ brings together poetry and writings completed over the pandemic year.
'Polaroids and Petals' a collection with a nostalgic thread running through it. The poems highlight what really matters to us. read more |