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Saundra Dalton-Smith

Saundra Dalton-Smith

Advice & How To General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
      • Saundra Dalton-Smith Saundra Dalton-Smith 5 years ago
      • I'm an avid reader. I read every genre and love experiencing different styles of writing. As a reader, writing was a natural extension of my love of words and phrases. I started writing in 2007 and received my first book contract in 2009. My first book was published in 2011. Writing is both worship and sacrifice. It a way I stay connected with my faith as well as a way of surrendering to the sovereignty of God. It takes me through the uncomfortable process of self-exposure and the joy of being fully known. It requires me to go places I'm not sure I want to go emotionally and then rewards me with a tribe of others who meet me on the journey. It's both emotionally draining and fulfilling. It's an activity I enjoy doing but often resist because to do it well will pull me to the edge of my comfort zone and insist I leap forward past my insecurity, fears, and doubts.
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      • Saundra Dalton-Smith Saundra Dalton-Smith 5 years ago
      • It would be my first book Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves. I love the topic of this book but after 20 years of practicing medicine and 10 years of speaking at professional women's groups there is so much more I would love to add to this book. Things I did not know when the book was written in 2009. Hopefully, I will get a chance to do an updated and revised edition in the future.
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      • Saundra Dalton-Smith Saundra Dalton-Smith 5 years ago
      • For me, literary success is not only reaching the greatest number of people I can with my books but actually providing information that helps transform their lives. I don't want to be a bestselling author whose books stay on the nightstand unread. I want to be a bestselling author whose books are read, re-read and shared with everyone you know because the message on the inside is moving you from where you are to a better place. It's a message you can't ignore and won't let go of you until you make a change for the better.
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