Book Discussion: Tears of Heaven

Tears of Heaven
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Tears of Heavenby R. A. McCandlessPublish: Dec 06, 2018Series: Flames of PerditionSupernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Science Fiction Fantasy
    • RobRoy McCandless RobRoy McCandless 5 years ago
    • "McCandless has created a fun, gripping adventure story. If like the concept of "Constantine" (movie and a graphic novel) you'll really like this book. Lots of action and excitement, but does NOT ignore character development. He's created a very interesting universe with lots of great detail and a rich universe of characters and understandable "rules." I like it when an author spends the time making his own world believable. Also written using alternating time references that fills in back story with lots of great details--overall a clever way to tell a much more expansive story. He has great, strong female characters." -- Edwin Lyngar
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