Ask S L Hollister a question

S L Hollister

S L Hollister

Thriller Suspense Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense
    • tracy tracy 2 months ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • S L Hollister S L Hollister 2 months ago
      • I have always been a bit of a dreamer but I never really had confidence. I dreamed of being a published author but not about it being a career. I thought it was just a daydream. I hope it will one day be profitable but until then, I love to write and will always be a writer.
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    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
    • Congratulations, Sherri Hollister!

      Huge congratulations on the release of your new book, "How to Catch a Runaway Heiress"! I'm thrilled to see your work hitting the shelves.

      As the third installment in The Applegate Mysteries series, "How to Catch a Runaway Heiress" promises to be a thrilling and romantic read. What inspired you to create this story, and how did you balance the mystery, historical, and romantic elements?

      Could you tell me more about Winnie's character development throughout the series? How does her investigation into the missing heiress challenge her and help her grow?

      How does "How to Catch a Runaway Heiress" fit into the larger Applegate Mystery Series? Are there any recurring characters or plot threads that readers can look forward to?

      Once again, congratulations on your new release! I wish you all the best with "How to Catch a Runaway Heiress" and look forward to hearing more about your creative journey.

      Best regards,
      Lisa Deborah
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      • S L Hollister S L Hollister 2 months ago
      • Thank you for your interest in Winnie. In “How to Sabotage a Wild West Show,” Winnie and her family are traveling around the United States 🇺🇸 with a traveling show. When her younger brother is accused in the death of one of their coworkers. From there Winnie navigates her first investigation and first love. In the next book, “How to Murder a Duke,” she is learning how to be a lady in British society while trying to help her uncle who is being slowly poisoned.Finally, in book 3, “How to Catch a Runaway Heiress,@ Winnie learns to be true to herself.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • S L Hollister S L Hollister 4 years ago
      • Writers block often comes from outside interference and be a simple case of being overwhelmed and needing to regroup. I find taking a walk, putting on music and dancing, or just doing a chore can get the writing moving again.
        A second case of writers block is writing yourself into a corner you cannot see a way out of, go back a read what you've written until you find where you went off the rail. Sometimes it's an easy fix, other times it is a complete rewrite, ugh.
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      • S L Hollister S L Hollister 4 years ago
      • Believe in yourself. Don't be afraid of failing. The only way to succeed is to take chances. My dad often teased me when we played cards, "Scared money don't make money." It's true of any endeavor. If you allow fear to stop you, you won't do it. Risk a little if you need to be cautious but do it.
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      • S L Hollister S L Hollister 4 years ago
      • I started writing as a child. My first love story was at the age of ten. It grew out of my love of reading. Growing up in a rural community I was often alone and had to entertain myself. My books, writing, drawing and crafts became my entertainment. I used these talents at school, church and later when I started my family.
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      • S L Hollister S L Hollister 4 years ago
      • Living in a small town and working with the public I am well known locally but it still surprises me when someone recognizes me for my writing. I am overjoyed when someone has read my books and liked them. I even listen and try to learn when they are not as complimentary. So far, I haven't been accosted by strangers but I am hopeful.
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