Be patient with yourself. Adding extra pressure can mess up the creative process. Take a break, do your self-care routines, and/or take walk. This will help in approaching your work with a clear mind along with gaining inspiration to continue writing.
I love to write when the world is sleep. I usually start around 1am and don't stop until the sun rises. This helps me to think better and taps into those creative juices suppressed that are sometimes by the daily hustle.
Just go for it. For years I've been afraid to release my work to the world because of what others may think. Waiting for that "perfect time". Well, there isn't a perfect time. Your time is NOW!
Paint the picture. Don't skimp readers out on a good story because it lacks detail. Use your journal, computer screen etc. as a blank canvas to tell a meaningful story that will last in their minds even after the final page is closed.