Book Discussion: My Secret Self: Trials and Tribulations of an Innocent - Book 1

My Secret Self: Trials and Tribulations of an Innocent - Book 1
(1) (1) $4.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
My Secret Self: Trials and Tribulations of an Innocent - Book 1by Christine U. CowinPublish: Sep 18, 2018Series: My Secret SelfBiographies & Memoirs Religion & Spirituality
    • Christine U. Cowin Christine U. Cowin 6 years ago
    • My first book in the series of My Secret Self is from birth to teens, and how I viewed my world and observed the people in it. My biggest life lesson had been to understand what had happened to me and to move through it, through self-understanding. In my childhood, I was sexually abused. Trauma changes us and changes who we were supposed to be. It has been a journey to unlock key issues that have caused me problems throughout my life. Nonetheless, can turn it all around and gain inner strength from our ordeals. However, that takes time, as we move through the scenarios of our life to unfold who we really are. I chose to move through it by facing it; to overcome it. Have you had trauma in your life and how have you overcome it?
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