Writers need to attract readers to their work, so a good cover and title are essential. When a person is looking for a job or going on a date, they want to dress their best to make a good impression. Appearances mean a lot.
I read all of my book reviews. Of course, the good ones are encouraging. I think about a bad review and try to take something constructive from it to improve my writing. Everyone has a different opinion.
Editing. I read over and correct my manuscript many times. Then the developmental editor makes suggestions and I am editing it again. Then the copy editor. I go over the manuscript so many times that I start to dread the editing process and can't wait until it's done.
Certain self-publishing companies, marketing services, so-called "literary agents," and contests make false promises and steal money from aspiring writers. Do your research and proceed cautiously.
Write because you love it. Keep learning to improve your writing. Don't expect to make a lot of money or instant success. Join writers groups and attend conferences because support is crucial.
I always loved writing. My 10th grade teacher even encouraged me to go into it after graduation.
College teachers commented that I wrote well. Unfortunately, I never thought seriously about pursuing it as a career until I was an adult. It just didn't seem like a practical path to making a living, but I have come to realize it is important to pursue your passion.