Book Discussion: The Internet President: None of the Above (None of the Above Series Book 1)

The Internet President: None of the Above (None of the Above Series Book 1)
(1) (1) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
The Internet President: None of the Above (None of the Above Series Book 1)by P.G. SundlingPublish: Apr 18, 2018Series: None of the AboveThriller Action & Adventure Humor
    • P.G. Sundling P.G. Sundling 5 years ago
    • Another event from my book came true. It was my understanding that you couldn't have low unemployment and low inflation together. That combination happens in my book and it's an economic mystery the main characters have to solve.

      Fifty years of data and the Phillips curve say it shouldn't be possible. Apparently, it can happen and it's happening now. It's bizarre that the nerdiest subplot from my novel is less fictional than intended. Crazy!

      I hope everyone will forgive me for quoting from my book:

      “Unemployment and wages both dropped. More competition for fewer workers should raise wages, but it’s not happening. It doesn’t make sense.”

      P.G. Sundling. The Internet President: None of the Above (Kindle Locations 3922-3923).

      All the previous similarities to my book were about politics. I can't believe some of the economics came true too.
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