I spent most of my childhood born and raised in Portland, OR.
Do you remember the first book you ever read? What was it about?I do not recall the first book I ever read. Although I did enjoy reading Sesame Street books as a young child.
How did your love for writing start while journaling as a young child?My love for writing started because my father was a bass player in a band. Our home was full of instruments which my father encouraged us to make music along with him playing music in the home every day. I began writing lyrics over melodies which led to me
Journaling about my day and that turned into poetry.
How did writing poetry & music provide you an outlet to express yourself?To me, poetry and music have the same elements of passion, love, emotion, feelings and laughter.
It evokes deep thought and reflection.
In what ways do you aim to inspire others to reach for their dreams through one-on-one personalized mentoring?I aim to inspire others by sharing my personal experience as a parent, scholar, and entrepreneur. Also, this shared experience is what everyday people have in common or strive to be their best. It is easy to connect and provide mentorship when you relate to each other.
What developed your interest in poetry?I developed my interest in poetry from listening to music which is both for me creative and a way to express myself.
How much did you research before starting your book, Silent Echoes?There was no research needed since all the affirmations and quotes were created by me.
Who designs your book cover? Do you believe a book cover plays an important role in the selling process?My book cover was made from a Canva Template. The book cover plays a role in connecting a feeling of what the title of the book would present to readers.
What inspired you to write your book, Torn Back Together?The book was inspired by my personal experience in a relationship, how to sustain it, why I left, or wanted to keep it together.
How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?I currently have 6 unpublished books, 3 of them are children’s books and 2 are halfway finished.
How do you feel about the rise in digital books in recent years?For me, it’s a new way to reach a new audience of readers.
What advice do you have for people to stay motivated during the quarantine?Take the time to take care of you. Check on your family, declutter your home, cook new meals, and stay healthy by moving.
Which is the next book you are writing? What is it about?At this time I am not focused on writing a book, I’m working to create a product line that connects with my writing.
What are your thoughts on All Author? Is this a website you see yourself using for some time even in the future?I enjoy using All Author. It's a great platform for me to create live tweets that go out daily, mock-up photos, connect with other authors, and have a place to add my books to increase views or sales. I have signed up to be a pro-member and will continue to use the platform.
Self-published author, Areatae McGhee turned her love for writing into writing poetry and music. Her style is very relatable and thought-provoking. Areatae’s education and experience play a big part in how she writes. She aims to inspire others by sharing her personal experience as a parent, scholar, and entrepreneur.