I lived in central Florida most of life, until I married my high school sweetheart and he joined the military.
What was one of your favorite childhood snacks and do you still like it the same?I loved blue raspberry Slurpees and nacho cheese Doritos. Do I like them still? They make me a little queasy LOL. But I’ll eat them every now and then. Mostly I just consume way too much coffee and caramel goodies.
How did books help you to escape the real-life obstacles?Books are magical portals. They allow you to escape, become someone else. Somebody stronger. More protected. Loved unconditionally.
When did you start writing full time? Oh, when did that happen?LOL. I’m a mother, teacher, maid, cook, wife, etc. There is no way I could write full time. Writing is my hobby, escape from the pressures of being an adult.
What inspired the plot of your book, Feathered Dreams?My love for animals, princes, and the desire to make the world a better place. Why do you think so many people resonated with and loved the book as much as they did? Because so many people love a good rags to riches story that also makes you laugh and swoon.
What are some underrated books or authors you know that never made it to the bestselling list?Frankie Page and her Moore Series, SJ Pratt’s The 716, Dicky Kitchen Jr.’s The Average Man, Nellie C. Lind and her Cyborg series, and Dahlia Reign Contracted to the Devil.
What is the central idea or theme behind the Feathered Dreams series?Always believe in yourself and don’t judge a person by their status or appearance.
Do you write to escape or to focus more?Depends on what I need at the time.
Can an author ever have "vacation" weeks or months where they don't write or is it something you just always want to do?I would love to write 24/7! But I need breaks lol.
What do you think is more helpful to a writer: Good reviews due to their encouragement or bad reviews due to the (sometimes) constructive criticism?Good review.
What did you enjoy most about writing the Feathered Dreams series? Do you plan on adding more books to this series?I loved writing the characters of the Feathered Dreams. They are so special! Hopefully 2 more books will be coming soon!
Why do you think a lot of very beautiful stories never get to see the spotlight?There are so many good stories out in the world! It’s a beautiful thing to have so many options as a reader. But the spotlight is only so big, lol. As a writer I don’t aim to be in the spotlight, I aim to change lives and encourage others.
What kind of tactics do you use to ensure a more productive writing session?Music, coffee, snacks, and an idea of where my story is going.
Are there any stories you're working on that you want to share with the world in the near future?Yes! I have an 18+ wolf shifter romance releasing April 2022 called Scarlett’s Tail. It’s about a young woman finding where she belongs in a dark and scary world.
What has your AllAuthor experience been like so far? What are some highlights?All Author has a wide range of freebies like mock-up images that I love! It makes it easier for me to promote my books.
Brittany Putzer lived in central Florida most of her life. Writing is her hobby, an escape from the pressures of being an adult. She is a mother, a writer, a reader, and a podcaster. She published her first book in 2020. Her writing is wonderful with a great sense of humor and a crap ton of sarcasm. With her writing, she aims to change lives and encourage others.