J. M. Willis Interview Published on: 09, Jul 2020

What is the name of your hometown and where you grew up?

We moved around a lot. But my favorite hometown we lived in for 2 years. It was Running Springs, California. Most people don’t know where that is because the population then was only about ten thousand at that time. But when I say it was near Big Bear Lake, they understand. We moved there when I was eight. I remember a bear walking down our street on its hind legs, like a person.

Tell us a few things about your early life or childhood. Who was your role model as a child?

I grew up in a broken home and often lived with my grandparents for months at a time. So, I would have to say my grandparents were my role models. They took me to church and taught me how to be a good person. They even sent me to finishing school. I often heard them saying, ‘Follow the Golden Rule, treat others as you would like to be treated.’ I still follow that to this day.

Why did you choose the romance genre?

Everybody needs romance in their lives.

When did you start writing The Arcadia Fairies Series? Do you find it more difficult to write the first book in the series or the next ones?

When I first started writing Tara Hill, Journey to Arcadia, I thought it would be a standalone book. It took me about four months to write. Tara Hill is my favorite of all of the books I’ve written so far. I’m a fantasy reader by heart. So, to be able to write a story with fairies, unicorns and dragons is truly magical. I’m working now on the second book, Tara Hill, The Eye of Arcadia.

How did you come up with the idea for your book "Dr. Image"? Was the process of writing this book any different from your other books?

The way all of my books get written. An idea pops in my head and I just go with it. I try not to spend too much time researching facts. This was my first romance book, and I had so much fun writing this book. But I had a difficult time publishing it. I was so nervous of what people would think of me. It took a lot of encouragement from a good friend to do so. I do find it difficult when I know the person that is reading my book, at least the romances.

What is the most important thing to remember while writing historical romance?

My first book ever, Abigail the Lost Princess is a historical romance. The most important thing to remember is that its fiction, and all of the facts do not need to be true. I like taking a story in history and then adding a little magic into the mix.

What, in your opinion, are the most important elements of good writing?

Have fun writing, otherwise no one will enjoy reading it. You want your readers to have fun reading your story.

How do you keep your stories interesting and from becoming repetitive?

I’m not sure if I’ve accomplished that yet. The Princess Archives does have repetitive scenes. But it is supposed to be Abigail’s, Adeline’s and Eina’s views. How each of them dealt with their own struggles, romance, and time travel.

What inspired you to write "Abigail the Lost Princess (The Princess Archives)"?

I was reading a book on my kindle about a princess. I genuinely enjoyed it, until the end. The end made me hate the whole story. I thought, if I were a writer; I could come up with a better ending than that. So, I did it. I just started writing and it was like word vomit. I just couldn’t stop. I think I wrote twenty thousand words in one night. I was forty-one at the time and I hadn’t written anything like that since high school. In fact, I had no dreams of being a writer at any time in my life. I couldn’t believe I wrote six chapters, like it was nothing. Now I’ve written and published six. I’m currently working on six more.

Who inspired the character of Jackson Pearce in "Shattered Heart"?

Jackson is dear to my heart. The good guy that got away. The one regret that we secretly hope we can change. Even if you don’t want to admit it.

What is the story behind the idea of "No Kissing"?

No kissing is about a girl who was traumatized in junior high. So much that it affected her whole adult life. Then by chance or fate, one person can change everything.

How do you feel about the rise in digital books in the recent years?

I love the idea of digital books. They are more readily available and cheaper. People can easily download them and read them anywhere. Also, I like to read a book in digital form first. If I love it, I’ll buy the book for my home library. But I don’t want to waste my money if I don’t like it.

What was the best advice you've ever received related to writing and could you share it with us?

Don’t let your doubts or self-esteem keep you from being a writer or anything else you want to become in life.

How did you spend your time during the lock-down?

Lock-down did you say? I didn’t write one word while Nevada was on lock-down. I’m a healthcare worker in my day job. So, I worked through it. The world doesn’t stop when you’re caring for cancer patients.

How long have you been with AllAuthor now and how have you been enjoying it?

Well I’ve only been an author less than two years; so probably a year. It’s awesome, I like how authors can connect and get advice. The price for a book promotion is reasonable. I’m always informed if someone adds me as someone they are following. I also like the book cover contest. Even though I haven't won yet, I like voting for other authors' covers.

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