I was born in Catskill, New York. I lived there for 4 years before moving to Fort Ann, New York. I have spent most of my life here.
How were you first introduced to writing?I was never a writer before writing my memoirs “The Hands That Held Me”. In fact, I have avoided writing my whole life. I have done a lot of research and writing for college and then Grad school. Many people begged me to write my story, I finally did it for those who asked because many feel my story will help many people.
What is your reading comfort zone? How often do you read out of your comfort zone?I enjoy reading true crime, non-fiction, and memoirs. I also read a lot of medical journals, science journals, and public health journals. I do not enjoy reading romance, sci-fi, fantasy, mysteries, or erotica, because I don’t enjoy it – I don’t read it, I have tried but my mind wanders because I lack interest.
How has a Masters Degree in Public Health helped you in your career?So far, I have been doing a lot of research and writing in public health. I plan to publish my research in public health journals. It has made me a better writer because I had to also take Graduate Research and Writing. It was the toughest class I ever took, but it definitely improved my writing skills. I also use my education in helping underdeveloped countries work towards being self-sustainable. I have so far focused my efforts on a community in Mbale, Uganda where I am the American Ambassador for an orphanage called Hope For Rural Orphans.
How would you describe your experiences writing and advocating against childhood trauma and abuse?I told my story in “The Hands That Held Me” in as much details as I could to raise awareness to the issues of child abuse, child trafficking, the long-term effects of childhood trauma (how it has manifested in years of addiction/overdose, complex PTSD and chronic illnesses. I also shared how I overcame all that meant to destroy me for 50 years of my life. I blog on my website and created a FB page and have over 10,000 followers on my various social media platforms. I go on TV to raise awareness and have been featured in magazines. I am in the process of filming my documentary which also will help raise awareness. I use my public health education to lobby for changes to drug policies and treatment programs, and I make myself available to anyone and everyone who reaches out to me including other survivors and family members.
How did you become interested in advocating against child trafficking?I have heard it said that “sometimes your misery becomes your ministry.” That has been exactly how it happened for me. I didn’t choose any of this really, it chose me. When you are a survivor of something so traumatic – others want to hear your story to learn about it, and younger or newer survivors want the connection with other survivors who have overcome and risen above to create a much better life. It gives them hope. As people began to learn of my story they began messaging me, I always respond. It is for them that I do what I do.
What challenges did you face while writing your book “The Hands That Held Me?”My biggest challenge was fitting it into my Grad school homework schedule, but I did it in 3 months. The other biggest challenge I had was dealing with all of the emotion as I wrote my story, as well as how creative I had to be in order to write an edge of your seat memoir without using even one name in the entire book for the privacy of others in my story.
What does reading, writing, and literature mean to you?It didn’t used to mean anything to me, until I wrote my first book. After getting so many thank me and give so much positive feedback about how it helped them change their lives, then everything to do with writing became so important to me. After that I realized that people are moved by my words, even on following writing projects. Now I try to use that talent to influence public health policy as well as other legislative policy, as well as influencing others.
How different would your life be had you not discovered writing?I would most likely still be a nurse, feeling not quite fulfilled. Writing has definitely become my life’s purpose.
How difficult was it to share your personal journey through childhood trauma, abuse, child trafficking, addiction, and overdose?Honestly, it was extremely difficult. I had spent my life wearing a fake mask and burying my memories, praying that nobody could tell. I was humiliated and in much emotional pain as I poured the words onto the pages. But it has been very healing and it set me free. Today I am so happy it helps others.
What is something people don’t usually know about being an author?That you do not make any money, very little for one book.
What are some common traps that new authors tend to fall into? Any advice on how to avoid these traps?I found with myself and others that we can get hung up worrying about the order and layout and details of what you are writing. This can cause writer’s block. The best way to avoid that is to just write – no worrying – just write everything that comes to mind. The time comes after for editing, narrowing, and fine-tuning.
What does literary success look like to you? Do you think you have achieved it?Success to me is the wonderful feedback from the readers. If the readers are happy with what you wrote and ask you to write more books, then I would have to say you are a successful author, and yes, I feel I have reached literary success – although I do not plan on stopping now.
Which is the next book you are working on? What is it about?I am currently working on a picture book of my travels throughout the United States. I am also working on a sequel to my memoirs. I have also been included on 2 collaborative books with many other authors, both are being published very soon. I do continue to write articles for magazines and journals as well.
What has your AllAuthor experience been like so far? What are some of the highlights?I have really enjoyed AllAuthor for many reasons. I enjoy having my own profile on there where people can follow me, purchase my books from links, connect to my social media platforms, etc. I also have enjoyed the weekly mock-ups that come on Saturdays – I tend to use them in many ads for my book. I have also enjoyed this interview and feel very honored to answer questions that help readers get to know me!
Lisa Jo Symonds is an amazing writer and person. Lisa pours out the most personal details of her struggle with addiction, abuse, and human trafficking in her debut novel, The Hands That Held Me. Her life is a lesson for everyone suffering from a traumatic past, addiction and rejection. Her writing style is engaging and makes her book nicely moving from past to present.