Michael Mckinney Interview Published on: 02, Apr 2022

Where were you born and where did you grow up?

To begin with, I was born in Yonkers New York in 1951 but as my parents moved away from that area when I was a year old I have no memories of that place. I spent my childhood and adolescence in western Pennsylvania and was fortunate to have a relatively care free time as a boy and teenager. I never cared for the daily routine of going to school but from my earliest years in public education I displayed a clear affinity for learning new words. Letters, consonants, vowels, and syllables held sustained interest from the time I first encountered them in these early years and has never diminished through my adulthood.

Was being an author something that was on your mind ever since you were a child?

I never envisioned my self as being a writer when I was young but read the books of others avidly. History, especially the history of Western Civilization was and still is a compelling interest to me as well as the natural sciences of astronomy, geology, and anthropology. These subjects are compelling for me because they provide a true sense of perspective regarding my place in the universe. Astronomy shows us how small our bodies are while simultaneously showing us how large our mind and imagination can be. Geology provides us with a powerful glimpse of deep time and the incredibly storied history of the evolution of life on earth, and anthropology deepens our understanding of our common human lineage and the immensely difficult struggles our ancestors overcame.

Do you remember the first book you read?

The first book I wrote was "The Invitation, A Journey into Mankind's Future" and took nearly four years to complete. The book is a cautionary tale of the impending danger of rapid global warming told and shown from the unique perspective of an extraterrestrial visitor. I tried to think as an alien of superior intelligence might think in how and where he would make his appearance to the people of earth and it became clear this being would make the most dramatic impression if he chose the start of the Summer Olympics to make his arrival visible when the entire world would be watching on television and so this is when he makes his remarkable appearance.

What was the basis of inspiration for the book, CASSANDRA'S GIFT?

"Cassandra's Gift" is a short story about a fifteen year old girl with an incredible power of empathic healing and the lives of those she touched. It's also the story of the futility and stifling attempt to dominate her personality through religious dogma and bigotry.

Of all your books, which was has the most complexity in terms of research done?

The most technically difficult book I've written thus far is "A Citizen's View, Essays on American Politics and Culture" where I endeavor to show that common ground is possible for bridging the often antagonistic opinions of partisans opposing each other on issues like education, health care, energy, abortion, and gun control.

What was your thought process while writing "The Prisoner's Guide for Doing Time"?

Though I've never been sentenced to prison, I wrote "The Prisoner's Guide for Doing Time" for those who are or will be incarcerated. In this book I tried to make a convincing argument that the human mind, if strengthened, if kept curious and alive through daily habits of reading and engaging activity can make an enormous difference in making the drudgery and monotonous repetition of a prison sentence not only bearable but can train the mind to a life-long habit of learning and self-empowerment.

What is something you eould want to share about your book, "A Journey of Souls"?

Without question, the most often read book of mine is "A Journey of Souls" and is a speculative answer to the riddle of what happens after we die. It is my opinion that soul or spirit does exist and it's journey through individual lifetimes is continual. I also firmly believe our conduct in the present life we are living has a profound influence on this continual journey. In this book ten very different people die and quickly learn that how they've lived their individual lives is not forgotten with consequences beyond the veil of death. I've written and perform this song as a musical corollary to the book.

What is the next book you are looking forward to writing? What is it about?

The next book I will write with God's permission will be the most intellectually challenging of all, and its theme will be a literary attempt to marry theology and science. I'm convinced that religious belief and rational scientific empiricism are in no way inimical to each other. In a previous book "Does God Exist", I tried to establish a logical basis for belief in God through evidence provided by cosmology and evolutionary biology and show that belief and science are actually complimentary. I did this in the form of a fictional debate which is the central theme of the work. I will attempt to elucidate these ideas more deeply in my next book.

Do you think it would be possible for an author to create a powerful character without being able to relate to them in some way?

As to the question of whether or not it's possible to write about and formulate fictional characters in a book without knowing any similar people to base these fictional stories on, I believe it is. The reason is the human imagination is so deep, powerful, and generative that it can easily conger creatures, beings and realities that have never been seen or encountered by any human being. The human imagination is the portal and origination of all human invention whether in art, science, music or literature. Every man made thing or idea was first imagined.

How did you first come across the AllAuthor website? Do you have any feedback for us?

I want to thank AllAuthor for the interest you've shown in helping me share my books with others. As you know the overwhelming majority of websites that purport to help authors find readers are primarily interested in selling advertising slots and doing very little once their obligation is met. I've found that AllAuthor is genuinely interested in promoting books they find worthy of endorsing. I heartily recommend AllAuthor to all writers who have a story or point of view worth reading about and I again thank the team at AllAuthor for their continuing support in helping to reach new readers.

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