Sheila Kell Interview Published on: 07, Aug 2018

Where were you born and where did you grow up? Did you always want to be an author?

I was born in Biloxi, MS and grew up in WoolMarket (Biloxi). When I graduated high school, I wanted to be a journalist. When I heard how little they were paid, I changed my mind.

What would you be doing if you weren’t an author?

Reading/listening to books than I already am.

How has being an author changed your perspective on life? What lessons have you learned in your journey?

Characters teach us a lot. The variety of differences in them which astounded me. Mostly how they were handled life, challenges, and roadblocks.. I’ve always held acceptance of anyone, but I’ve learned the unexpected can happen to anyone, so live life to the fullest, love family, be the person I can, and never judge a book by its cover.

How did you come up with the idea for the HIS series? Was it always meant to be a series?

Over the years I’d written down bits and pieces on books that I said I’d write only to lose the notes and get a new idea. It was the last one that sparked me to try writing a novel. The HIS series was always meant to be a series, but is far from my original plan.

What inspired the characters of Jesse and Kate in HIS Desire?

Jesse just came to me and I enjoyed building his character. Kate was originally a high-end lingerie store owner. She wasn’t strong enough for Jesse, so I rebuilt her to be a match for Jesse.

Which was your favourite story to write in the HIS series and why?

His Choice sits with me and the one that pulled and twisted my emotions. AJ sinking to a low broke my heart, but I watched him grow and that made it better.

Tell us about HIS Fantasy. Who is Brad Hamilton and what does Madison Maxwell mean to him?

I always chuckle when I think of Brad. He likes to buck the system and do what he wants - whenever he wants. Madison was a challenge for him because after one hot night, she walked away and never looked back. Brad couldn’t take that hit to his ego, so when she came back, he decided she’d be back in his bed and he’d be the one to walk away. Things don’t always go Brad’s way, so you can imaging how well his plan worked.

Walk us through your creative process. How do you convert an idea into a story?

Sometimes I read a book and say "I wouldn’t have ended it that way,” and it gives me an urge to write something that ends my way. Usually, a single scene plays out in my head and makes me see where it can go. I create a binder in Scrivener, then try to put people together for it. Sometimes I find one that fits another story. When I have those two things and feel the excitement, I map out a story (which changes as I write) and go work.

Why do you write? What motivates you to see a book to its end?

If I didn’t write, the stories in my head would drive me insane. For a book, I can’t stop without finishing it. Mostly because I’m not certain of the end. It’s also excited to find that end to something that is created from heart and soul.

How have the Romance Writers of America helped you as a writer?

I’ve found their resources to be worthwhile. I was glad to see them stand up for the writing community when a bit of controversy arose. I haven’t been able to attend their annual conference.

Have you ever read a book that you liked so much, you wished you had written it?

Wow, there are so many. I read/listen to several books a week and find one that after reading it, I want to throw my books in the trash because the story is golden.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Just write. I don’t always listen to it and find myself pushed at deadlines, but when I follow it, I’m happy and on track.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers and authors?

The same thing but also don’t allow the admin to bog you down.

What book ideas are you currently working on?

I’m working on a HIS Christmas novella to give readers something light. I’m also working on the agents of HIS and am loving the men on the teams. It’s fun writing them. I haven’t decided on what I’ll write beside the series, but I hope to find something that my readers enjoy even though it has something different.

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