About Author

J Denison Reed

J Denison Reed

J. Denison Reed, born in New Jersey, currently lives in Virginia with his wife, children and their cats, Spencer and Guster.

Ever since he was a child, he enjoyed creating short stories and poems. He joined the Army after graduating high school which started his career as a Network Engineer. With story-telling always on his mind, J. Denison would write very short and creative, two paragraph stories or short poems in station logs, work logs and trouble tickets purely for others amusement.

In addition to writing, J. Denison enjoys other creative outlets like photography and making candles.

He even co-owns a small candle company with his wife.

J Denison Reed's Books

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** Also, there might be other books by J Denison Reed not listed on AllAuthor.

(4) $2.99 kindleeBook, Signed Paperback,
TYEby J Denison Reed and Elliot J. EmersonPublish: Sep 08, 2024Series: Clifford's WarCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense
Clifford's War: The Bluegrass Battleground
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Clifford's War: The Bluegrass Battlegroundby J. Denison ReedPublish: May 27, 2021Series: Clifford's WarCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense Action & Adventure
Clifford's War: Without End
(2) $4.99 kindleeBook,
Clifford's War: Without Endby J. Denison ReedPublish: Aug 26, 2022Series: Clifford's WarCrime Fiction Thriller Action & Adventure

J Denison Reed's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by J Denison Reed.
** Also, there might be other book series by J Denison Reed not listed on AllAuthor.

J Denison Reed's Awards and Achievements

    J Denison Reed has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • #1 best selling book

    Clifford's War: The Bluegrass Battleground

  • #1 Best selling book

    Clifford's War: Without End

  • Best Thrillers BOTY Finalist

    Clifford's War: Without End

  • Onlinebookclub 2021 C/T/M/H Book of the Year

    Clifford's War: The Bluegrass Battleground


J Denison Reed Interview On 16, May 2022

"Born in Trenton, NJ, J Denison Reed always enjoyed creating short stories and poems. He is the author of the award-winning debut novel, Clifford's War. He even co-owns a small candle company with his wife. She currently lives in Virginia with his wife, children, and their cats."
Where were you born, and what was your childhood like?

I was born in Trenton, NJ and moved at a young age to a small town called Carney's Point, NJ.

Carney's Point is a small town in southern New Jersey across the Delaware river from Wilmington, DE.

How were you first introduced to writing?

I first started writing poetry. Most of my early writings were dark. I tried several times as a youth to write a novel, but most of the time, it would just end up being a short story due to not having the patience to do prolonged writing. I have learned as I got older that writing is an art of patience as well as literature.

Who all are a part of your family? How critical are they of your writing?

I currently live with My Wife, Three (of four) children, and two cats. My oldest child has started her own career and has moved away.

They all are tremendous supporters of my writing. My wife has taken on a role as my first draft editor and Beta reader.

What are your hobbies apart from writing?

My wife runs a candle business from our home and I coach Flag Football with my son.

Who is your target audience? What are some things you wish your readers would take away from your books?

I write for an adult audience, although I do think my writing would be suitable for younger adults or even older, mature minded, teenagers.

I hope that the readers come away entertained. I hope they connect with some of the characters, and care about what happens to them. If anything, I hope to inspire.

How did you come up with the title of your book, Clifford's War: The Bluegrass Battleground?

Clifford's War references the struggles of the main character and protagonist, Clifford Dee. I wanted to add a subtitle to reflect where the story took place. This book was mostly in Kentucky, USA, and the nickname for that State is "The Bluegrass State". The sequel, which should be released Fall of this year, is also going to be called "Clifford's War, but have a different subtitle. This is going to become a series.

What is the important essence or ingredient to writing a literary fiction?

I think the most important thing for a literary fiction is character development. Being character driven, it's important to have realistic characters who can be likable and/or unlikable enough for the readers to develop a rapport with them.

Who inspired the character of private investigator and military veteran Clifford Dee?

Clifford Dee is a manifestation of several friends I made while I served in the military. I sampled a few traits, even from myself, to create him.

How much amount of research, if any, was done while writing your first book?

I believe that I did a moderate amount of research. I am not very familiar with Kentucky, so I had to look into what the weather was like there, and other things like, how people from there would talk or dress. I did a lot of image searches and reviewed maps of cities and landscapes to get an idea of how life would be like living in or near these areas.

What is the great question you do not understand from your childhood until now?

The world is filled with great questions and a lot will never have an answer in my lifetime.

What are some common mistakes young writers tend to make?

Don't give up. Patience is important for writing. Thoughts and ideas are like rain. Some days it can be dry, other days it can sprinkle or drizzle, and some days it will downpour. Don't worry if the rain doesn't come right away. People have survived through flood and drought.

Do you ever leave book reviews on other author's books? What do reviews mean to you?

Reviews are great! I think its awesome when people take time to share how they liked, or even disliked your story. I love to review other works. Reviews are important because a book with a hundred four star reviews is much better than a book with two five star reviews. The more people talk about a story, will convince others to see what they are talking about. But, the more important thing is word of mouth. When people tell you about a story, you get more feeling and emotion than just reading a few good words on a page.

Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?

Of course. Writing has many forms and some of them require no emotion.

What is your next book and when is it coming?

The Sequel to Clifford's War will be ready this fall. Keep your eyes peeled for "Clifford's War: Without End"

When did you join AllAuthor? What do you think of the experience so far? Do you have any feedback?

I found AllAuthor on Twitter last year. I decided to check it out and found they have many great services for authors. I think it would be great if you expanded into other social media platforms besides twitter, like Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook.

Ask J Denison Reed a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author J Denison Reed? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • J Denison Reed J Denison Reed 3 years ago
      • Just keep writing. The ideas will come. The most difficult part is getting your story out. That is the beginning. Changing and re-writing the story is the fun and most creative part.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • J Denison Reed J Denison Reed 3 years ago
      • Of course. This is why it has taken me so long to write my first novel. I started three novels before my debut, Clifford's War. I would develop a block and quit. The stories still rattle inside me. My best tip is to keep going, even if it makes no sense. keep writing even if the ideas are not there yet. Talk it out with a trusted friend or family member. There were so many ideas I had that I needed to get a second opinion on from my wife. Sometimes she would even respond in a way that would spark ideas and boost my creativity.
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      • J Denison Reed J Denison Reed 3 years ago
      • Creating relatable characters, their dialog, and re-writing/editing. Each character has to be different and unique. They must also sound and speak differently to the reader. Not only does this create a repour with the reader, it makes them distinct.
        Have you ever watched a TV show and a character did something "Uncharacteristic"? You said to yourself, "They would never do something like that! Same goes for writing.
        Re-writing and editing are very important. Think of outlining your story as dropping your clay onto a slab. It looks like nothing. You have to cut clay out, add more clay, and mold it into a work of art. Treat your writing the same way. Write your story, cut some out, add more details, and line edit until it's perfect. That is how you create a good story.
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