About Author

J. Carol Johnson

J. Carol Johnson
  • Genre:

    Crime Fiction Mystery Action & Adventure Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Erotic Romance Women's Fiction Humor
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Author and writer
  • Born: 24 July
  • Member Since: Jan 2020
  • Profile Views: 14,221
  • Followers: 87
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Pinterest,

I've always loved to write, tell stories that I made up, and tell jokes. I love to make and see people laugh. My life has not been filled with laughter, so I understand well the hurt that's in somebody else.
To relax from writing, I enjoy creating and working with my hands. Silk and dried flower arranging, sewing, and cooking have been good hobbies for me. As a long-time single mother, I learned to do household plumbing, carpentry, and electrical work.
I was a beaten, physically, and verbally battered child, and then wife. It was with time and my faith in God that helped me overcome this and become strong. Also, I have suffered from life-long bipolar disorder, manic depression, epilepsy, and borderline personality disorder. The depressions were sometimes suicidal ones, and there was nothing I could do but bury myself in a deep, dark hole and wait until it was over. (Or, overdose on pills and booze.) Again, my trust in God and His words saw me through these times.
What I write about is what I have experienced and lived through. However, I am thrilled that the Lord has blessed me with a prolific imagination, so stories come easy for me. This one is based on actual happenings, although, I had to change and elaborate on some material for my protection since some of these people are still around and functioning. I certainly value my life, however, others may not.

J. Carol Johnson's Books

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(1) $0.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
The Lonely Life of a Pornographer's Wifeby J. Carol JohnsonPublish: Aug 23, 2020Crime Fiction Romantic Suspense Erotic Romance

J. Carol Johnson Interview On 25, Feb 2021

"J. Carol Johnson has always loved writing. Apart from writing, she enjoys creating and working with her hands. Carol has overcome every challenge that life throws at her and has grown into a stronger and more compassionate individual. She writes her stories based on actual happenings that she has lived through. Her books are thrilling to read and an eye-opener at the same time."
How did you deal with an abusive childhood?

Abusive childhood. It was a day-by-day situation in that I expected, but didn't know when, to be abused, either physically or verbally. Those bruises to my body faded in time, however the mental damage caused by the verbal abuse has remained with me to this day. It was only a few years ago that the Lord softened my heart enough to forgive my parents, especially my father, who have been deceased for twenty years. When I was nineteen, I married my high school sweetheart. He became an alcoholic and took up where my father left off--big time! He sometimes beat me twice a week. I landed in the hospital three times due to the physical damage.

The third time, I suffered a miscarriage, and the attending doctor had treated me before. He reported my husband to the police and then alerted my parents who moved me back home with them until I could recover.

What I went through with him is written in another yet-to--be finished book.

How did you come up with the story of your book, "The Lonely Life of a Pornographer's Wife"?

Book background. This story is based on my marriage to a man who became a multimillionaire through the pornography theater business, and the mafia with whom he was associated.

Is the character of Carla based on someone you know?

Carla. I was Carla. Due to the drama to which I was exposed through my then husband, and the onset of the bipolar depression, the mental breakdown that Carla suffered was my own. I wrote what I went through in the book just as it happened to me.

What's one thing people don't usually understand about bipolar disorder?

Bipolar illness. Many believe that this is a mental disease, and therefore anyone suffering with it is mentally ill or a "weirdo". Bipolar depressive illness and manic depression generally go hand-in-hand. A person, as with myself, could go into suicidal depression where they feel that there is no hope, therefore, no reason to go on. This is followed by euphoric highs, where it seems that a person is on drugs or alcohol. However, these disorders are not unlike diabetes, whereas the brain does not produce enough certain chemicals to balance the body's function. With the correct medication, a person can lead a "normal" life. Oftentimes, it takes a combination of pills, or the classic, "we'll try this' or, "we'll try that" (as was my case) to find what's right for an individual. Thankfully, mental illness is becoming better understood, and not looked upon as something shameful.

What are some of your plans for the future? Are you working on a new project at the moment?

Future writing plans. I have several more books to finish writing. They are outlined, in general If anything, some are just a scramble of notes that I jotted down when ideas and/or thoughts came to me. I feel that God has given me a prolific imagination and a great desire to write since I was a youngster. So, that, along with the vast and many experiences in my lifetime, I write stories. I have traveled a fair amount of Europe, the South Pacific and America, which adds to my background. I have two other books published under another name that I do not want associated with this one, due to its content. My enormous problem, as with many writers, is that I don't know how to promote or market my books, especially since I'm such a computer dummy. So, for now, I just write.

In what ways did your faith in God help you overcome the abuse you faced during your childhood?

My faith and God. That's an enormous story in itself, and I'm doing good now to write this much when I have another book to finish editing. Just be on the lookout down the road for a book called, I Screamed at God and He Yelled Back. There, you will have an abundance of answers.

Ask J. Carol Johnson a Question

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      • J. Carol Johnson J. Carol Johnson 4 years ago
      • To write a best-selling book that will become an Oscar award winner, preferably for best movie, and to be recognized as the author for that movie. I am troubled that the actors and/or directors receive more credit on a movie and the writer does. Where would those actors and directors, or the entire movie making crew, be without us writers?
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      • J. Carol Johnson J. Carol Johnson 4 years ago
      • My work schedule IS writing. Everything else evolves around my time to write. I wash dishes after they pile up in the sink, but sweep the floor more often. I eat frozen dinners, canned soup with a sandwich (which I can eat while writing) or take a short break to eat something that takes two hands. Since I live alone and don't have many visitors, I live as I care to and the few who stop by to see me understand my way of life.
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      • J. Carol Johnson J. Carol Johnson 4 years ago
      • Yes, I always dreamed of writing that best-seller. As a young girl I read books quite a bit. Winning spelling bees was easy for me and I went on to get A+ grades in writing. I always excelled in the literature arts of spelling, composition and writing. In my senior school years I submitted several book reports on books that I made up--until a teacher caught me. She encouraged me to develop my desire and ability to write, but other thing got caught in the way; such a marriage, divorce and becoming a single mother who had to work to support and raise my children. Now that I'm old(er) and alone I can finally have time to write about my life's experiences and more.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • J. Carol Johnson J. Carol Johnson 4 years ago
      • Oh, you bet I did! My life has been a book in the works all my life. I was an unwanted, beaten, battered and abused (physically and verbally) child and then wife. My first husband took up where my father left off by adding weekly hitting with his fist followed by kicking me until I landed in the same hospital the third time. I had miscarried my second child. After that I lived in England with my daughter for four years and saw much of Europe. My second husband abused me emotionally and physiologically. During that time I went into bad depressions that I later found to be caused by bipolar disorder, accompanied by manic depression. I was ridiculed by many for divorcing such a wealthy man who went on to become a multimillionaire but I knew my mental health was for important that any amount of money. From there, I self-medicated with alcohol, as do most people in this situation. I went into rehab several times due to alcohol addiction, but mostly for the depressions which had become suicidal. From there my family distanced themselves from me and I lost most all my friends who couldn't possibly understand what I was going through. I could always work with my hands in building and creating things. As a self-sufficient, single woman I learned to do carpentry, household plumbing and electrical work very well to avoid depending on men who would over-charge me. I learned to live alone with the prolific imagination that God has given me. So, with my deep faith in Him, His words to lean on and my experiences, I write on.
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      • J. Carol Johnson J. Carol Johnson 4 years ago
      • I think that was when I read Peyton Place when I was in high school. That not only encourage me to excel in literature and composition and writing but I went on to write my first novel many years later. I have actually been writing poetry, lyrics, short stories since I was in junior high school and younger. I wrote Valentine's and Mother's Day cards for my classmates in the fifth and sixth grades until I was reprimanded by my teacher. She insisted they should write in their own words.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • J. Carol Johnson J. Carol Johnson 4 years ago
      • Prepare yourself for a lonely journey because writing is a lonely job. If there is anyone around you be sure they understand your endeavor. Set a daily time or plan to write and stick to it with no interruptions, no long lunches or time out except to "come up for air". Shut the phone OFF, listen to calming music and seclude yourself away from kids, walking the dog--everything. All there is around you is a dictionary, your keyboard and your ideas. And write something every day, anything just to keep in touch with yourself, ideas and keyboard. This is imperative. Also, be sure you have a good spell-check when you write. Get together with other writers who can share ideas and goals. If you join a writer's group, stick to writing. Don't get sidetracked with socializing or becoming personal with others in the group, this is important--stick to only writing situations and goals. All writers doubt their abilities, even Steven King. Only share your ideas with someone who can be objective to your ideas and be supportive. Close friends and family generally are not. If writing is truly in your blood and not just a passing fancy you will know in a short time. I feel that one should write because they want, not have to.
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