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Vikki Koplick

Vikki Koplick
  • Genre:

    Poetry Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: Australia
  • Books: 2
  • Profession: Distance Energy healer for people & pets. Relationship healer for pets & owners. Spiritual Author
  • Born: 18 November
  • Member Since: Sep 2021
  • Profile Views: 16,370
  • Followers: 339
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, YouTube, Linkedin,

Born in Australia Vikki had no intentions of being a writer in fact she was a healer. Having been awake spiritually most of her life through her strong intuitive powers Vikki soon become enlivened by her souls mission to become a energy healer for pets, people and relationships. As well as a sacred activist through world service.
Vikki has wrote two books - a spiritual feast
Sacred Animal Activism - Animals rights book.
The Soul Whispers Poetry - inspirational poetry
Both published as ebooks on Amazon Sacred Animal Activism is also a paperback & hardcover.
... Our spiritual journey is all about connecting, embodying & anchoring our souls while in a body. These two books are a expression of my healing & self discovery journey to find my soul purpose & mission. The emotional and vibration changes leading to living on a higher frequency. Finding the elusive self love & Inner peace. read more

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  • The Soul Whispers Poetry

    1 The Soul Whispers Poetry - Published on Sep, 2021

Vikki Koplick Interview On 04, Mar 2022

"Author, Poet, and a Pet Energy Healer, Vikki Koplick is from Australia. She wanted to save the world and animals by being a Vet. Meditation, Spiritual practices, Chants & Mantra have become her latest hobby over the past ten years. She aims to help awaken unconditional love for animals in the hearts of humanity."
Do you have a simple childhood memory that you could never forget?

Yes it is quite funny how my teenage obsession with show jumping began. I had a Arab x Mare called Sheba at the time. I decided to set up two barrels standing up with the poles in a cross bar. We jumped it or trotted over it a few times. The next thing I knew Sheba went a little off course and jumped straight over the barrel. Omg I thought that was great. So I got off and put the poles straight across with a crossbar to fill in the gap. Sheba flew over the 90cm jump and I was hooked.

What was your favourite way to spend your free time as a kid? What about now?

Swimming and Riding Horses was my favourite things to do.

Meditation, Spiritual practises, Chants & Mantra has become my latest hobby over the past ten years. I still ride my horse sometimes but mostly my daughter rides and looks after her. For the past four years I have devoted much time to writing Sacred Animal Activism and over One Hundred poems. Learning about everything involved in all stages of writing, publishing and marketing, as well as doing Energy Healings on Pets.

I love my work as a Energy healer it is not work really but a pleasure and a honour. I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve.

What is a childhood ambition that you had?

I wanted to save the world & animals by being a Vet. When I was a teenager I also wanted to write a poetry book. I started a book but didn’t have the confidence to do anything with my love of poetry writing. Not until about 5 years ago when I wrote the first poem which got the creativity flowing.

How did your husband react to your first book?

He was pretty quiet during the three year process of writing. When I finally got it published he said he was proud of me and all the work I had done.

What challenges did you face while writing your book, The Soul Whispers Poetry?

The biggest problem with the book was deciding how many poems to put in it, the order themes and set out. Whether or not to create a series out of the poems I had written or one book.

What does writing mean to you?

Writing is part of my soul mission to help create a soul relationship with our world to find the wisdom within human relationships. It was also a way to explain and truly anchor the concepts of my spiritual journey to feel more real. To find out who I am and why I am here. Writing gives me a voice which means I can help more animals & people find peace.

Was writing "Sacred Animal Activism" a way to show your love for animals?

*Yes it is a way to show my unconditional love for animals that comes from both my personality and my soul. The book is about my lifelong spiritual search for truth and purpose. When I found energy healing, straight away started doing healings on my horses. The more healings I did the more confident I became until I started my own Energy healing business in 2018. There was one area of my life which still frustrated my peace, it was Animal activism. At the same time my teacher Shakti Durga was teaching about a new form of Activism called Sacred Activism. This is where we use our souls gifts and healing tools, and spiritual journey to understand we are part of the problem but also part of the solution. It seems if we engage our souls more in our relationship with Animals it might solve many issues. I can’t do healings on all the animals but I can use my spiritual tools and voice.

What is the one piece of life advice you would give to a large audience?

We need to stop pointing the finger at other people and look at ourselves more closely. We can only create Heaven on Earth when we become the type of souls that deserve to live there.

Do you have any unique or quirky writing habits?

I just write from guidance, usually don’t know where it will fit so I keep it and put it altogether later. Its like following bread crumbs to the finish book and it usually relates to what I am going through in my own life. Every part of my spiritual life has added to the books and poems I am writing now. I was not formally trained as a writer, I learned on the go.

What kind of audience do you hope to appeal to with your books?

Those interested in living a spiritual life, new or experienced. Those interested in finding out more about Animal Chakras and Energy Healing. People interested in finding their own place of Service, their own Soul Mission. People who are looking for answer’s about who they are and why they are here. People who are in emotional pain over animal cruelty and want to use their spiritual path to help animals. Those who want to develop more self love and learn about forgiveness and peace within.

What is the nicest thing a fan has ever said to you?

I have been told I am a Earth Angel and that I am very blessed but also a great blessing for the world.

Do you a specific writing schedule that you follow or do you just write whenever and wherever?

As a light worker and healer, writing is part of this spiritual journey. I am following the jigsaw pieces so I write when the guidance gets loud. Once I am in the writing zone I can write for hours, each day writing until my guidance is silent. Then its about editing and rewriting. I must have done this ten times during the three years before I was happy with the ending of Sacred Animal Activism.

Are there any rules to writing poetry?

I don’t follow any normal poetry rules with my poems although I like a little rhyming but not the whole poem. I know they all come through guidance and help connect my heart to my higher self. This helps me to understand how the soul works differently to the way we are taught. The poems feel like they write themselves when they come, much like songs in my head swirling through my consciousness. But I have worked on the theme and name of the poem before I start hearing it.

What are you currently working on?

I am currently doing the final editing on my next poetry book before publishing. Its themes are finding Compassion, Joy and Peace again through our relationship with Animals, Nature, the Self and the Divine.

I am also halfway through the writing stage of the third poetry book. I am playing around writing ideas for another animal healing book, just in the planning first draft stage.

When did you join All Author and what are your opinions about the website so far?

I joined in October 2021 and I have loved the experience. I used to make myself pictures for marketing but now I download the weekly mock-ups’. I love making the review gifs and sharing them on my social media.

Ask Vikki Koplick a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author Vikki Koplick? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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      • Vikki Koplick Vikki Koplick 2 years ago
      • I think the title and cover need to be created with the help of professionals. The title needs to fit clearly into the right genre. The book cover needs to look great when it really small or large with the title clearly written.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Vikki Koplick Vikki Koplick 2 years ago
      • Believe in yourself and know that you will finish it. Get professional help with the structure editing after you write the first draft and keep self editing maybe ten times until you are happy with it then get a professional editor to do a copyedit and proofread. Get professional help with title & cover. You don't have to pay a fortune for editing, look local
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      • Vikki Koplick Vikki Koplick 3 years ago
      • I wish to finish and published another three books. Two more poetry books and another animal healing book.
        Also I hope to see my message reach the souls who need it.
        To help humanity have a more soul and heart relationship with animals and nature.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Vikki Koplick Vikki Koplick 3 years ago
      • Yes my first book "Sacred Animal Activism" is a memoir about my spiritual journey.
        My second book "The Soul Whispers Poetry" is a expression of the emotions I feel on my journey to peace.
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