All Teaser & Picture Quotes Designed by SNDP

  • every flower is a soul blossoming in nature...

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  • egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity...

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  • the man who follows a crowd will never be followed by a crowd...

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  • we may not have it all together but together we have it all...

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  • the weak can never forgive forgiveness is the attribute of the strong...

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  • no man grieves long unless by his own fault...

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  • i am thankful to all those who said no its because of them i did it myself...

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  • winners are not afraid of losing but losers are failure is part of the process of...

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  • dont be intimidated by other peoples opinions only mediocrity is sure of itself so take...

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  • we must not expect everything everywhere and from everybody...

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  • dont plan too hard because something much better might be out there...

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  • with much wealth comes many worries...

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  • from a spark the house is burnt...

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  • when one is prepared difficulties do not come...

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  • courage is the greatest of all virtues because if you havent courage you may not have...

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  • be original and do more of what makes you happy remember you were born unique dont die...

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  • a great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together it is when an imperfect...

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  • he wished he could relieve himself of his doubts and guilts half as easily...

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  • the gods do not protect fools fools are protected by more capable fools...

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  • leave the world in better conditions in wich you found it...

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