All Teaser & Picture Quotes Designed by SNDP

  • it is a curious phenomena that god has made the hearts of the poor rich and those of the...

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  • its better to keep grief inside grief inside works like bees or ants building curious...

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  • the way of the superior person is threefold virtuous they are free from anxieties wise...

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  • i dont think that god says go to church and pray all day and everything will be fine no...

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  • dont be so quick to believe everything you hear because lies always spread faster than...

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  • you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time...

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  • truth can be stated in a thousand different ways yet each one can be true...

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  • better suffer for the truth than prosper in a falsehood...

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  • just because im not talking doesnt mean i am in a bad mood sometimes i just like to be...

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  • we swallow greedily any lie that flatters us but we sip only little by little at a truth...

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  • in life we never lose friends we only learn who the true ones are...

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  • it is easier to perceive error than to find truth for the former lies on the surface and...

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  • my guiding principles in life are to be honest genuine thoughtful and caring...

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  • progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot...

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  • the truth is incontrovertible malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it but in...

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  • speak the truth even if your voice shakes...

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  • life can give us lots of beautiful persons but only one person is enough for a beautiful...

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  • it is not about knowing but about living...

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  • were there none who were discontented with what they have the world would never reach...

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  • success is not an accident its the result of the choices we make based on principles we...

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