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  • Genre:

    Women's Fiction Poetry Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs
  • Country: Canada
  • Books: 6
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: April 6
  • Member Since: Jul 2020
  • Profile Views: 19,792
  • Followers: 481
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon,

Barbara lives in a small town in southwestern Ontario, Canada with her husband and the latest addition to their family “Prince Harry,” an orange tabby kitten. Barbara has been writing the popular column, Dear Barb: Answer to Your Everyday Question, since 2003, available in book form from various online sources. She has published a book of short stories "Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and More" one of which, "Mary’s Story" won an award from the Professional Writers Association of Canada. Barbara's memoir is "Can I Come HOME NOW?" a story of surviving horrific abuse. Her latest book is a collection of poetry "Seasons of the Heart" Barbara’s website barbgodin.com. Facebook link is Barbara Godin | Facebook Instagram is Barbara Godin (@barbgodin) • Instagram photos and videos. Email comments to barbgodin53@gmail.com.


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Seasons of the Heart
$1.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio,
Seasons of the Heartby Barbara GodinPublish: Oct 16, 2023Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Poetry
$1.5 kindleeBook,
Maya's Journey: A Short Storyby Barbara GodinPublish: Jan 26, 2025Contemporary Romance
(1) $4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback, Audio,
Can I Come HOME Now?by Barbara GODINPublish: Oct 17, 2022Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Parenting
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio, Signed Paperback,
Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and Moreby BARBARA GODINPublish: Mar 02, 2021Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Poetry Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Parenting more»
Dear Barb 2: Advice for Daily Life
(1) $1.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio, Signed Paperback,
Dear Barb 2: Advice for Daily Lifeby BARBARA GODINPublish: Oct 15, 2021Advice & How To General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Parenting
Dear Barb: Answers to Your Everyday Questions
(6) $1.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Audio, Signed Paperback,
Dear Barb: Answers to Your Everyday Questionsby Barbara GodinPublish: May 24, 2020Series: Dear BarbAdvice & How To General Nonfiction Cooking Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Parenting more»

BARBARA GODIN's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by BARBARA GODIN.
** Also, there might be other book series by BARBARA GODIN not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Dear Barb

    1 Dear Barb: Answers to Your Everyday Questions - Published on May, 2020

BARBARA GODIN's Awards and Achievements

    BARBARA GODIN has earned excellence awards over time. Here is the glimpse of the accolades clinched by the author.

  • Bestseller in Dysfunctional Families Amazon Canada

    Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and More

  • Best Short Article Award
    2019 award

BARBARA GODIN Interview On 23, Aug 2021

"Writer, columnist, author, Barbara Godin has also published many short stories and memoirs. She began writing her popular "Dear Barb" column in 2003 and continues to the present. She enjoys hiking, camping, biking, and spending time with her husband and dog."
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?

I would have to say when my mom would visit me and take me on a picnic or for a drive, that was always a great day for me. Another favorite memory was when I came home after school and my dogs were waiting to greet me. Also I loved when my older brother would visit when I was living with my grandparents.

Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?

The first book I remember reading was "Anne of Green Gables" by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I loved it. In many ways I could identify with Anne. Reading "Anne of Green Gables" made me feel hopeful and anxious to read about other people's experiences and the various types of families there are in the world.

What are your hobbies apart from writing?

Besides writing, I enjoy hiking, camping, biking and spending time with my husband and dog.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My husband is very supportive and reads many of my drafts before I send to editors or publish. I am very fortunate to have him in my life.

What challenges did you face while publishing your first novel, "Dear Barb: Answers to Your Everyday Questions?"

I guess the biggest challenge was whether anyone would want to read it, but since I have been writing this column for over 20 years, I had to assume it had some appeal. Also I was very fortunate to have found someone to help me with the self publishing aspect. Paul Lima had self published over 20 books, so I was able to benefit from his expertise.

Do you ever get bored of writing a weekly advice column that you have been writing for over 20 years? What keeps you going?

I do at times, but every week there is a new question to be answered, so I guess you could say the problems are what keep me going every week.

Do you remember the first short story you ever published?

One of my first published stories was about "The Absurdity of Camping" it is a humorous look at camping.

What was your reaction when one of your stories won first place in the Professional Writers Association contest?

I was honored and finally felt like I truly was a "writer."

When are you most satisfied with a book or a piece of writing? Do you often edit things out of your books?

As a writer I don't think you are ever truly satisfied with your writing. You always feel you could do better, or change something.

What was the hardest part of writing the memoir, "Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and More"?

The stories are very personal and revealing, and it is always difficult to open yourself up as I have in the stories in "Glimpses in Time."

When you're not reading or writing a book, what are some other things that you love to do?

I love spend time outdoors, either hiking or walking my dog. I also love spending time with family and friends. I also am a bit of a gambler, so I spend some time at the Casino.

Have you ever thought of collaborating and writing something with another author? If so, who would you want to work with?

No I have not considered collaborating with another author. I believe writing is a solitary experience and each writer has their own unique voice.

What kind of audience do you hope to appeal to with your books?

Both my books are directed toward helping people to make their lives better, either through advice I provide, or by revealing my personal struggles and how I overcame.

Which is the next book you are working on? Give us insight into it.

I am actually working on two books. The next one will be published this Fall and is "Dear Barb 2: Advice for Daily Life" and it is a sequel to "Dear Barb: Answers to Your Everyday Question." This book includes an additional 90 questions compiled from my weekly advice column. I am also working on my autobiography "Can I Come Home Now?" The first chapter of "Can I Come Home Now?" is included as the final chapter in "Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and More." This chapter will give the reader a pretty good idea of the direction my autobiography will take.

How has your experience of been associated with AllAuthor been?

I have enjoyed my association with AllAuthor and I have been pleased with the exposure my books have received. Even while working through the pandemic everything ran smoothly. Whenever I have questions, the help and support I receive is excellent.

BARBARA GODIN's Favorite Quotes

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BARBARA GODIN is a thinker and a doer. These are the quotes by famous personalities the author resonates with.

Ask BARBARA GODIN a Question

Have brimming questions to ask author BARBARA GODIN? Ask whatever you like, but keep it appropriate.
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    • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
    • Hey Barbara, it's me again. Your review still hasn't shown up on Amazon..., can you find out what's going on please? Let me know, and have a great day.
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    • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
    • Barbara, thank you for following me - that means a lot! I was wondering if we could help each other with book reviews? My second book in my Asleep Series just came out, and I only have (2) reviews. My first book Asleep (Drifting) Book One, is doing well. I see you have a book called; “Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and More.” I could do a review for that book, and in return, you could do a review for; Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm) Book Two. What do you say?
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        • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
        • Barbara, I just submitted a review for your book “Glimpses in Time: A Collection of Memoirs and More,” it was a very entertaining read, very moving! In a weird way, it reminded me of, Asleep (Drifting) Book One. I can't wait to see your thoughts on my book. Have a great evening!
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              • BARBARA GODIN BARBARA GODIN 3 years ago
              • Hi Robert, I sat down with your book last night, and to be honest it wasn't my kind of book, but I did write you a good review. I definitely appreciate your writing style and I honestly think this could be turned into a series or a movie. Best of luck!!
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                • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
                • Thanks for the feedback, a lot of folks who read Book Two, without reading Book One... it's hard to relate (make the connection). Haven't seen the review yet. I encourage you Barbara to read Asleep (Drifting) Book One if you ever get a chance..., and thank you once again.
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                  • Robert Paul Robert Paul 3 years ago
                  • Barbara, could you check for me, the review that you did for Asleep (Hypnotic Rhythm) Book Two, still hasn't shown up on Amazon yet. Thank you.
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      • As young child, writing became a way for me to deal with a difficult childhood and continued through to the present day. I love writing and enjoy being able to connect with people through my writing.
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        • Swit La Pound Swit La Pound 3 years ago
        • Awesome to make your acquaintances. I am like minded and have the same inspiration.i am fairly new to putting my story and heart out there as am author and am always pleasured to meet a fellow soul to learn from....and more reads ofcourse
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      • My book "Glimpses in Time" has been compared to the writing of Jeannette Walls, specifically "The Glass Castle." I am honored and hope my book will touch as many people as "The Glass Castle."
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      • I began writing at a young age as a way of dealing with intense feelings of loss and pain as a result of a dysfunctional childhood and I continued writing throughout my life. As a university student many years ago, I began writing my advice column "Dear Barb" which I am still writing . Also I am working on "Dear Barb 2". Writing provides me with a special way to connect with people.
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