Author’s Top 5 Writing and Marketing Tips
Seralynn Lewis
Contemporary Romance
4 years

1. Do something every day. Even if it's one thing...and even if it's small.
2. It's a marathon, not a sprint.
3. Small gains, pay off in the long run.
4. Be efficient with social media. Organize and use a service. It takes time to set it up but once it's set up, you'll only have to monitor and update. Use a schedule and stick to it.
5. Be strategic and relevant in your marketing.

      • Seralynn Lewis Seralynn Lewis 4 years ago
      • There are various ones available. My daughter uses Hootesuite, but there are others like Later, Cinchshare, and Social Bee I'm still working on analyzing which one best fits me and everyone has to do that for their own lifestyle. It's my 2021 goal to automate social marketing! :) Good Luck and let me know which one you chose and why. I'm interested.
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