Iris Before The Storm
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Iris Before The Storm

by S.L. VadenPublish: Jan 16, 2019Romance Dark Romance & Erotica Western Romance



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S.L. Vaden
United States4 Books
Action & Adventure Romance Dark Romance & Erotica Literary Fiction LGBT Science Fiction Fantasy Poetry more»

I started writing short stories when I learned how to write and read. Taking inspiration from nature, and the world around me. Growing up on a small farm I learned how to take care of the land I lived on and to not take this world for granted. In the back of my mind I had always hoped to become an author, never really telling my dream of becoming one to those around me, in fear the dream would be shattered. When I moved from a rural town in NC to a larger city in San Diego, my imagination took flight. As I started a new job in a new city she started writing.

I writes in two genres. First is high fantasy. My first series: The Legend of Zelkova: Elementum and Umbras that will expand into its own literary universe. The first and second installments are now available. The third installment is in the works.

I also writes dark romance. The use of strong language and intimate scenes that cannot be found in my fantasy novels. These books tend to be an outlet for pain I feels and to shine a light on depression and other invisible illness in an adventurous way.

I invites you to come and take a look within the worlds that I has created. You might be surprised at what you find there.

S.L. Vaden other Books

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The Legend of Zelkova: Elementum
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The Legend of Zelkova: Umbras
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Book Detail
Title Iris Before The Storm
Author S.L. Vaden
Publish Date 16, Jan 2019
Language English
Page Count 457