False Roads to Manhood, What Women Need To Know; What Men Need To Understand
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False Roads to Manhood, What Women Need To Know; What Men Need To Understand

by Frank Chase Jr.Publish: Jun 08, 2009African American Interest General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality

Book Overview

The new release from F C Publishing, LLC, False Roads to Manhood, subtitled, What Women Need To Know, What Men Need to Understand is the author's seven journey of adventure, suspense and intrigue into the heart and soul of the secret life of manhood. This profound book invites those seeking wisdom, knowledge and understanding ... about the hidden truths of a lifetime to embark on a journey that answers questions about men that most people only think about but dare not ask. The journey will revolutionize the lives of men and women concerning the greatest issues of the millennium. Are you ready to travel into the critical zone of men' s inner emotions? Chase writes with surgical precision and guides men on an extraordinary journey through their souls, not only to help men understand themselves but informs women about today's Adam; in Christ. The journey is for men on a trek for life s purpose. At every crossroad, a decision must be made. This book shares personal behind the scene accounts from men of varying backgrounds. He teaches how men can unashamedly surrender their pain and get back on the road to healing and productive living. And for the success addicts who can' t stomach failure, False Roads To Manhood illuminates the road to balanced manhood. Find the right road and get off the false roads to discover the powerful man that God has called you to be. Breaking free from the false T.R.A.D.I.T.I.O.N. s of men is paramount in this hour as men embark on a bold new journey. read more



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Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality

Dr. FRANK CHASE, JR., author of False Roads To Manhood, What Women Need To Know; What Men Need To Understand, and the new release, KLEPTOMANIAC: Who's Really Robbing God Anyway? He is a native of Baltimore, Maryland. He considers himself a miracle because at birth he weighed only two pounds and lived when the doctor'... s didn't think he'd make it. Dr. Chase is the president of FC Publishing, LLC. He works for the government as a senior aviation writer for the Department of the Army. He's a four-year veteran of the United States Army. Mr. Chase earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications and a minor in Sociology from Washington State University in 1989. Dr. Chase has a BA in Biblical Studies and a Master of Arts in Theology from North Carolina College of Theology (NCCT) and has earned his Doctorate in Theology from NCCT in 2009. He has authored and published numerous religious articles for newspapers, online magazines and print media. He has appeared on television and radio programs for his first book. Chase is a Alabama resident and lives with his wife Teresa and their two children.

More information about this book can be found at the publisher's website at www.fcpublishing.com. For additional information related to the new book, check out http://www.fcpublishing.com/about_kleptomaniac.

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1. Is the Church the Storehouse for Tithing? https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/13107
2. Did Jesus Collect Tithes? https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12899
3. Will a Man Rob God? https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12755
4. Eating Tithes vs. Paying Tithes: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12700
5. What are First Fruits in the Bible? https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12529
6. Official Orthodox Biblical Tithing Has Passed Away: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12435
7. Jesus and his Ministry Never Received Tithes: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12200
8. Paul Never Taught Believers to Tithe Money: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12155
9. The Church and Its Money Grab Tactics: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/12068
10. Monetary Tithing is not a Foregone Conclusion: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/11902
11. Money Tithing or Eatible tithing, Which One? https://www.bublish.com/bubble/add/5108/11709
12. Arguments Against Tithing Has a Long History: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/11568
13. What Does True Giving Look Like? https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/11200
14. Tithing on Increase: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/10979
15. The Law Does Not Teach Monetary Tithing: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/10673
16. Research Brings Truth: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/10274
17. Understanding Tithing Starts With a Definition: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/10115
18. The Fight Continues: https://www.bublish.com/bubble/stream/10015
19. Will a Man Rob God of Tithes and Offerings? https://bublish.com/bubble/stream/13851

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Frank Chase Jr other Books

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Kleptomaniac: Who's Really Robbing God Anyway?by Dr. Frank Chase JrPublish: Jul 16, 2016General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
Book Detail
Title False Roads to Manhood, What Women Need To Know; What Men Need To Understand
Author Frank Chase Jr.
Publish Date 08, Jun 2009
Publisher FC Publishing, LLC
Language English
Page Count 292
Book Video